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SIEMENS MAGNETOM Trio 3.0T 18 ch MRI Scanner

Condition: Used - Excellent

In Stock: Yes - SEP 2020

Gradient field strength: Up to 45 mT/m (72 mT/m effective)

Large FOV: up to 50 cm / 20 inches with excellent linearity

Magnet dimensions: Short bore


Manufacturer: Siemens

Modality: MR

Equipment Name: Trio, A Tim System

Channels: 18

Software: NUMARIS/4

Software Version: Syngo MR B15 Date of Manufacturer: 04.2008 Delivery Date: 06.09.2008


  1. Shoulder 4CH

  2. Wrist 8CH

  3. Extremity PA Matrix 16CH

  4. Torso 6CH

  5. Spine 24CH

  6. Torso 6CH

  7. Neck 4CH

  8. Head 12CH

  9. Knee 8CH

  10. Extremity loop coil small 1CH

  11. Flex Coil Small 4CH

  12. Flex Coil Large 4CH




System has TWIST, Mapit, Flow, advanced cardiac options.


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